360 Degree Photography & Virtual Tours
Live Tours vs Virtual Tours
360 Degree and Panoramic Tours are now the staples of every business that wishes to seek more revenue and greater presence within the online market place. Virtual Reality is gaining popularity and puts you and your business at the cutting-edge of new and exciting technology.
A customers’ first point of action for every purchase from a hotel room to a day out with their family is now a Google search request. Google Street View and Google Map search requests yield 20% of all Google search results. 73% of all search results returned by Google are specific to the local area of the searcher.
Businesses that utilize 360 Degree Panoramic Tours benefit from better SEO, higher search engine rankings, and higher visibility online. The ability for customers to view an online tour also reduces wasted viewings by 47% for businesses such as Estate Agents and Venues for hire.
All the 360 Virtual Tours I produce and created using the highest standards of equipment. Every tour can be completely custom-designed including company branding, animated hotspots, floorplans, embedded videos, photos, and audio. This gives every business the opportunity to inform and entice more customers. We also have the option of linking your tour directly to Google Street View and Google Business View Tour as standard.
Each tour can be hosted directly on to the business’s website, integrated inside third-party applications to be used offline on the business premises and integrated into all major Social Media platforms.
The Covid-19 Pandemic of 2020 forced many businesses to think outside of the box. One of the major issues for the events and leisure industry was how to continually attract customers to book when they could no longer visit the business site. The number of Lockdowns imposed on the UK severely hindered all industries from meeting potential customers in the usual way. Out of desperation, many businesses turned to Live Tours or Pre Recorded Tours which were crudely filmed using a mobile device to show the areas of the venues to customers. This often left the customer underwhelmed over the unprofessional quality of the tour and annoyed that they could not go back to areas they wanted to see again at their own pace. In some cases, customers were left with a sense of motion sickness due to the lack of professional camera and stabilisation equipment used.
The most common remark businesses received in feedback was in fact the businesses advertised a Virtual Tour and after signing up they actually received either a Live Tour with a sales pitch they were not expecting or a Pre Recorded Tour which did not allow them to see the details of the venue they wanted.
It is important to identify what type of tour is required so that customer expectations are managed. The three main types of tour we offer are below:
A Pre Recorded Tour – A video created and edited together providing a showcase of a venue either to a soundtrack or voice narration.
Live Tours – A show round of a venue to a person or people who are able to interact with a host in realtime.
Virtual Tours – An interactive 3D global representation of the venue which can include sound and/or video with which the customer can access 24 hours a day using their own device at their own pace.
Each tour type has different benefits depending on the nature and requirements of the individual business. To find out more please contact us.
Single Interactive 360 Panoramas
Single Interactive Panoramas allow the viewer to step inside a point in space from a single viewpoint. These are perfect for smaller businesses who wish to show one point of the premises. Add photos, videos, or audio hotspots throughout the panorama either via HTML links to open up in a separate window or player. Photos and videos can be dynamically pinned to the VR world.
Prices Start from – £49.00 per Panorama
360 Panoramic Virtual Tours
Virtual Reality Tours consist of multiple 360-degree panoramic images that are interactively linked together allowing the customer to ‘walk’ from panoramic to panoramic giving the effect of walking around the actual real-world environment. The customer can travel wherever we have taken a 360-degree image. This gives the customer full control of being able to view the setting in question from anywhere in the world at any time.
All Virtual Reality tours are completely customisable and can be individually branded to each individual business.
As all businesses are different sizes and will require different methods of photographing, coding, and amounts of information to interactively include; each project is quoted based on each project’s individual requirements. Please contact me to discuss your needs.
Prices start from – £295.00
Aerial 360 Virtual Tours

Pre Recorded Tours
A pre-recorded tour is, in essence, a promotional video displaying a ‘walk-through’ of the business. The video is edited together in a pre-determined order which can be embedded into social media or websites. The videos can also be made more personal by including:
- Voiceover narration
- Live or musical soundtracks
- Presentation/guided walkthrough by staff members
Prices start from £395.00
360 Degree Product Photography
We also offer 360 Swirl & Virtual 360 Product Photography. Samples and information on these services can be found on our Product Photography Page.
Contact Us
If you would like to check our availability for work relating to commercial photography please use the form below. Please give us as much information about what you require as possible so that we can swiftly deal with your enquiry.
Alternatively, you can always have a friendly chat with us directly over the phone on the numbers below. I look forward to hearing from you.